On April 15th 2016, Geelong West Presbyterian Church lost all our buildings in a fire. We are saddened by the loss of this important meeting place which holds many memories for us as well as functions so well for our needs. However, we know that the Church is the community of believers and that we continue to exist without buildings. We also know that God doesn’t make mistakes and that he works all things together for our good. And so we trust that he will be our strength during this time and provide for all our needs.

This Sunday 17th April we will be meeting for our service in the Ashby Primary School hall (next door to the current site). We will meet at 10am as usual and entry will be off Lawton Ave. Please come and join with us.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Douglas and Joan Milne
    April 17, 2016 9:46 am

    We wish you all the best and pray that God will bless each one of you as you meet this trial. We remembered you in prayer at our church service this morning, as did many churches we are sure.

  • Justine Leach
    August 16, 2016 6:08 am

    It would be lovely to know what will happen to the existing site of the old church? Can you please keep us updated with what is happening with regard to rebuilding, etc? I’m sure the whole community stands behind the church, and shares it’s loss, but we’d also love to know what is planned for the site and just to be kept up to date.
    Local resident, Geelong West

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