Pako Festa Connect

Geelong West is a Gospel centred presbyterian church proclaiming God’s Word in Geelong
Every Sunday we get together to celebrate Jesus. We’re not perfect people, but our saving hope is that we are all transformed by the good news of Jesus, the Gospel.
At 10 am we begin with some singing. We have a kids talk and the kids go off to the kids church program. We pray and read the Bible and hear how Jesus makes a difference to life. If you’re new to church, remember you don’t need to have any special knowledge, you don’t have to pray or even sing.
We always have morning coffee after church and there is plenty of space for kids to run around.
Whether you are looking for a new church family or simply exploring the relevance of Jesus, we’d love to meet you!
Sunday gatherings are important, but they’re not all there is to church. Church is about Jesus and the people that belong to him. Check out our various ministries or other events during the week to find out more.
Send us an email now, we’d love to hear from you.